Good Morning Edison Eagles! The recording of the assembly was aired in the classrooms and the link to view the Recording of the assembly is below.
I also recommend that you change the speed at the bottom to 1.5x. The recordings are deleted after a month, so if your child was highlighted and you want to save the video, please download it.
Here are the notes from the assembly:
Keeping it R.E.A.L (Respect, Empathy, Awareness, and a Learner) Students of the Week!
Congratulations to our Raffle award winners:
Valeria A, Philip F, Azan A, Abhinav K, Audrey L, Faris A, Sophia V, Angel C, Magdalena C, Rocky W, and Micah P.
Congratulations to the Students of the Week!
Kenneth R, Damien P, Robin V, Raiyan S, Natalia R, Berkeley B, Aiden K, Fatima A, Heavenly T, Lucas S, Emma R, Daniel C, Aaron B, Jack M, Brian G, Kylie Y, Helen O, and Martin R .
Congratulations to the Winners of the Student Council Election!
President: Cody H
Vice President: Josie C
Secretary: Merideth (Lily) A
Publicity: Niara S and Casey Y
Treasurer: Aless T and Gabrielle V
Athletics: Evan F and Dylan F
Our new (substitute) counselor, Ms. Torres is here to help students with conflict mediation and for social-emotional support. She is here daily, Monday thru Friday. Parents can reach out to her directly at
PBIS: Being Respectful
One rule we have at Edison is to show Respect. Being respectful helps everyone feel welcome and safe. When we act respectfully, we listen carefully to each other, help each other, and try to understand how someone else feels. When we speak respectfully we use friendly words, say please and thank you, and I’m sorry. And most importantly we DO NOT call other people names. This week, think about how you can act and speak in a respectful way in the classroom, on the playground, in the bathroom, in hallways, and in the cafeteria.
중요한 날짜
10/10: Principal Appreciation Day
10/10: Progress Reports Available
10/11 and 10/14: No School - Staff Development
10/17 - 10/18: Minimum Day Schedule and parent-teacher conference by invitation
10/17: Watch D.O.G.S Kick Off Pizza Night 6:00 - 7:00 Please RSVP
10/20: Skechers Walk
10/25 Fall Festival
10/28 Read-a-thon
WATCH D.O.G.S - (Dads of Great Students)
You can either submit the hard copy slip to RSVP to attend the Watch D.O.G.S Event or complete this form. We need a head count by Tuesday, October 15, 2024, so that the proper pizza order can be placed. This is intended to be a Father-Child Event, however, if your child is unavailable, you may still attend.
The event is on Thursday, October 17 from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm. Pizza will be served at 6 pm and program activity will begin promptly at 6:30 so please be on time to eat, relax, and be ready to join the activities at 6:30 pm. The last Watch DOGS event was a packed house event so be prepared for a crowd.
Please note that PTA is funding the pizza/water. It would be amazing if you are or become a PTA Member. If you are not a PTA member, please sign up here
주요 감사
On Thursday, give our principal a round of applause each time you see her and a gift, which is totally optional, to let her know how much we appreciate Principal Okazaki!
Recognize a Teacher or Staff for a weekly Keep it Real
We would like to start a teacher/staff of the Week. Consider our custodian, para educator, office staff, and teachers. Nominate staff member for Keeping it REAL at Edison by completing this nomination form: or QR code
Reflections Art Contest! Submission Deadline is October 18th!
"Accepting Imperfection..." Show your creativity through visual arts, photography, literature, music composition, or dance choreography. Only online submissions will be accepted. You may enter in as many categories as you wish, but only 1 entry per category. Submit your entry online at For category rules go to:
Questions contact Jenny Choi at
Walk from Manhattan Beach Pier to the Hermosa Pier and back with Mrs. Okazaki. Registration is $30 each walker. Each walker can pick up their swag bag of goodies, which includes a t-shirt the week prior or on site while supplies last. Walk in Person or virtually - every $ donated goes to Edison and matching donations supports students with special needs. Sign up HERE to support us!! Thank you to all families and staff who have signed up so far! Here’s the itinerary:
Check-in and registration: 8 AM
Exhibitor and Kid Zone: 8 AM
On-stage entertainment: 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Remarks: 9:00 AM - Meet Mrs. Okazaki at the Kid Zone booths next to The Strand restaurant.
Pier to Pier Walk: 9:30 AM
World-Famous Pumpkin Races: 12:00 PM
Here are the Participation Incentives:
Bring your Pet-Friendly Pet in Costume or share a photo of your pet in costume to win a Pumpkin and treat for your pet.
Student to receive a Golden Ticket(s) equivalent to 5 Keep it REAL slips for each registered family member.
We are raffling out 26 Laker game tickets for the November 19 game Los Angeles Lakers vs Utah (NBA CUP). The number of tickets raffled to the registered families will equal the number of registered people in your family.
YMCA Play like a King - FREE (see flyer)
Sign up for LA Kings Ball Hockey near you - Oct 18th Last day to Register. Free for all! Sign up through the YMCA
Need at least 1-2 more volunteers for Matis, Matsumoto, Branley and Willis’ classes. The library opens October 7. If you are interested, please email Carissa Baumhart at: Also please return a signed Library Permission slip so your child can check out a book.
Register on Power School and Food program ASAP!
Register on PowerSchool at to complete your annual registration. Everyone MUST do this online. If you need help, please stop by the office and you can log in here.
It’s also important that everyone complete a School Benefit Form at: Our school gets funding for all students who qualify.
Please label all Jackets, Lunch boxes and water bottles
We will be donating all items that are not claimed 2X a year.
오늘 Edison PTA에 가입하세요!
Join online at:
Our goal is 100% membership - to have at least 1 person from each family join.Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Caretakers all are welcome to join! We are off to a great start with 51% membership as of today! Your $10 membership dues & donations fund the library, Adventures in Art,Family Nights and many, many more programs.
Questions? Contact Jenny Ta, Edison PTA Membership Chair, at:
에디슨은 자원 봉사자가 필요합니다!
Edison PTA is a 100% volunteer-run organization. We need volunteers to be able to offer all of our programs and events! Please fill out the Volunteer Interest Form from the PTA packet, or fill it out online at: Most immediate needs are for library volunteers, Room Parents, Drop-off Valet, & Adventures in Art Docents & Assistants
Question? Email PTA's Volunteer Coordinator: Suehaylie Felipe at
Edison Yearbooks
10% Off Yearbook purchase through October 31st!
To Purchase & Customize Your Yearbook, go to, and enter Edison's passcode: 101566244081951
10% off Price is $24.55 (Sales Tax Not included, Regular price is $27.27)
질문? 이메일:
출석 - 자녀가 아플 경우 집에 머물도록 하십시오
In an abundance of caution, please keep your child at home if they are ill. Be sure to contact our school health assistant, Ms. Lajoy Atkins if you think your child has any Covid Symptoms, needs to quarantine/isolate due to Covid positive, or just for any advice about your child’s illness. You can reach our health tech at, or call 310-533-4513 x 2883.
If your child is absent for any other reason, please email, email the teacher or call the office and dial extension #2.
If your child will be absent three or more days up to 15 days maximum, please contact your child’s teacher and the office for an independent contract to get a work packet and receive attendance credit.
당신의 쇼핑 선택으로 에디슨을 응원해주세요!
Ralphs의 지역 사회 기여 프로그램에 가입하고 Edison PTA를 지정하여 구매 금액의 일부를 받도록 하면 Edison 초등학생을 쉽게 지원할 수 있습니다. Ralphs Rewards 카드를 등록하세요.
Go to: and login or set up an account.
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검색하려면 학교 이름이나 NPO # KP828을 입력하세요.
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