2024 년 11 월 12 일
Good Morning Edison Eagles! The recording of the assembly was aired in the classrooms
다음은 회의록입니다.
진정성을 유지하는(존중, 공감, 인식, 학습) 주간 우수학생!
추첨 당첨자를 축하드립니다:
Chevy H, Isaac P, Jed O, Everett B, Hana K,Bella M, Noa R, Austin C, Abrish F, Logan H, and Adam K.
이번 주의 학생 여러분 축하드립니다!
Eva M, Elena AM, Branley B, Pablo V, Savannah R, Arzaan H, Lily S, Chloe K, Owen N, Carlos C, Khloe B, Hibiki T, Evelyn R, Shafin C, Ahmad K, Omar S, Keira V, and Callie C.
Recognize a Teacher or Staff for a Weekly Keep it Real Congratulations to this week’s Teacher/Staff of the Week:
Nominate staff member for Keeping it REAL at Edison by completing this nomination form: https://forms.gle/eCreMcMdeUtrfyvh6 or QR code
Respectful Relationship with out Neighbors
Be a good neighbor, respectful of boundaries, respect property and keep noise levels down.
Student Store Make up Day Today during am Recess Only 10:30 and 10:45 am
If you don’t make it today save up for the next student store.
WATCH DOGS - (훌륭한 학생들의 아빠들)
Thank you to the Fathers and Father Figures that attended our Watch DOGS event. The next step is for Dads to get volunteered cleared and contact the office one week prior to set up a full day to volunteer. The link to apply for volunteer clearance is HERE https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/Mjg5Njplbi1VUw==
Lunch Menu HERE go to Page 2 for November’s Menu
Please remember to only pick up a cafeteria lunch if you raised your hand to get lunch in the cafeteria. If you have unopened food, please return it to the “go-back” section, and do not throw it away as students and staff are welcome to take any extra food from the “go-back” section.
READ A THON: We are at $15,640 of a $25K Goal! Ends Friday
Top Grade participation is 2nd Grade and the classroom with top participation currently is Ms. Richardson. Congrats Celine S and Madelynn L for being the top fundraisers so far for lower and upper grades, but the final winners will be announced at the end of the Read-a-thon.
Keep track of your reading minutes from October 28 thru November 15.
사용하는 방법은 다음과 같습니다
Step 1: Go to https://tinyurl.com/EdisonRead-a-Thon2024
2단계: 이름을 검색하여 개별 모금 링크를 찾으세요. 가족 및 친구와 링크를 공유하여 기부금과 분당 기부금을 모으세요!
Step 3: Track the minutes you read from October 28th to November 15th. Turn in the tracking form by November 19th, or submit it online at: https://tinyurl.com/EdisonRead-a-thonTracking2024
Step 4: Earn prizes for collecting donations and reading!
If our School Fundraising Goal of $25,000 is reached, then Mrs. Okazaki and Mr. Choi will dress in inflatable costumes and perform the Macarena for our school along with other teachers and volunteers. If we have 100% participation that means everyone must have at least one donation, Kona Ice Truck will come to our school.
Scholastic Book Fair 11/18 - 11/22 in Art Room
Students will attend book fair during their scheduled library time. Set up your child’s e-wallet in advance: https://tinyurl.com/EdisonBookFair2024
You may also shop after school M, T, and Friday after school and on family literacy Night.
11/21 Family Literacy Night/Bingo 6:00 PM @ Edison Cafeteria
Join us for family game night, dinner with preorder only and Bingo for books and prizes! PreOrder dinner here:
중요한 날짜
11/6 - 12/18 Active Parenting Course on Wednesdays by Zoom
11/13 4 and 5 grade noon league meeting during recess
11/15 Student Council Meeting
11/21 Family Literacy Bingo Night 6 PM
11/25 Read a Thon - 11/15
11/25-29 No School Thanksgiving Week
오늘 Edison PTA에 가입하세요! 60%에 도달했습니다.
Join online at: https://tinyurl.com/YesEdisonPTA
저희의 목표는 100% 회원입니다. 각 가족에서 최소 1명이 가입하는 것입니다. 부모님, 조부모님, 숙모, 삼촌, 보호자 모두 가입을 환영합니다! 오늘 현재 60%의 회원으로 좋은 출발을 했습니다! 회원비 10달러와 기부금은 도서관, Adventures in Art, Family Nights 및 기타 여러 프로그램에 사용됩니다.
Questions? Contact Jenny Ta, Edison PTA Membership Chair, at: ta.jenny@edisonelementarypta.org Pizza party for 100% participation!
에디슨은 자원 봉사자가 필요합니다!
Edison PTA is a 100% volunteer-run organization. We need volunteers to be able to offer all of our programs and events! Please fill out the Volunteer Interest Form from the PTA packet, or fill it out online at: https://tinyurl.com/2024VolunteerForm Most immediate needs are for library volunteers, Room Parents, Drop-off Valet, & Adventures in Art Docents & Assistants
Question? Email PTA's Volunteer Coordinator: Suehaylie Felipe at felipe.suehaylie@edisonelementarypta.org
Active Parenting 11/6 - 12/18 5:00 - 7:00 via Zoom
Great Resource if you can attend. Please sign up for the link.
Parent DELMAC Conference 12/13 9:00 - 12:00 @ Levy Adult Center
Free Event for Parents of TUSD’s multilingual learners. Save the Date
모든 재킷, 물병 및 도시락 상자에 라벨을 붙이세요
분실물 보관소에서 분실된 물품을 확인해 주세요.
에디슨 연감! 지금 30달러!
To Purchase & Customize Your Yearbook, go to www.treering.com/validate, and enter Edison's passcode: 101566244081951
Questions? Email: yearbook.edison182@gmail.com
출석 - 자녀가 아플 경우 집에 머물도록 하십시오
매우 조심해서, 자녀가 아플 경우 집에 두십시오. 자녀에게 코로나 증상이 있거나 코로나 양성으로 인해 격리/격리해야 한다고 생각되거나 자녀의 질병에 대한 조언이 필요한 경우 반드시 학교 건강 조수인 Ms. Lajoy Atkins에게 연락하십시오. atkins.lajoy@tusd.org로 건강 기술자에게 연락하거나 310-533-4513 x 2883으로 전화하십시오.
자녀가 다른 이유로 결석할 경우, EdisonAttendance@tusd.org로 이메일을 보내거나, 교사에게 이메일을 보내거나, 사무실로 전화하여 내선번호 #2번을 누르세요.
자녀가 15일 이상, 최대 XNUMX일 동안 결석할 경우, 자녀의 담임교사와 사무실에 연락하여 별도 계약서를 작성하고, 업무 패킷을 받아 출석 크레딧을 받으세요.
당신의 쇼핑 선택으로 에디슨을 응원해주세요!
Ralphs의 지역 사회 기여 프로그램에 가입하고 Edison PTA를 지정하여 구매 금액의 일부를 받도록 하면 Edison 초등학생을 쉽게 지원할 수 있습니다. Ralphs Rewards 카드를 등록하세요.
https://www.ralphs.com으로 가서 로그인하거나 계정을 만드세요.
오른쪽 상단에서 "내 계정"으로 이동합니다.
검색하려면 학교 이름이나 NPO # KP828을 입력하세요.
Edison PTA 옆에 있는 원을 클릭한 후 "등록"을 클릭하세요.
#소셜 미디어에서 저희를 팔로우하시고, 저희 웹사이트를 확인하여 최신 소식을 받아보세요.